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f you?re a business owner, you are most likely tired of paying too much in tax. Nevertheless there are tax strategies available to minimize the amount of tax that you pay.A tax charged on the money income of people, corporations, or other legal entities is sometimes known as income tax. Recently numerous income tax systems exist in the monetary market with various levels of tax incidence. The income taxation can be categorized under progressive, proportionate or regressive. Individual income tax is charged on the total income of the individual ( with some deductions allowed ), while corporate income tax is on the net earnings.
You have to file a tax return if you have taxable earnings the quantity of money. If your business in the united states in the year, or if you have assured the united states ( as part of your work ), May you be needed to file tax estimates in the US whether or not you live in India today. It is very important to file taxes on time and precisely to avoid any control. And for taxes on the file, it is critical you?re completely aware of the filing charge and tax saving process.
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This is the technique that may cater for both you and your indolence ; ?the straightforward way out? of the weight of having to smash beads of sweat. Without further delay, here it is : filing on the internet. Doing so will save you tons of time, effort, and includes other benefits. Electronic Fed. income tax filing is the key ? with this service, things can get done a lot quicker, mainly since the exchange is done over the Internet. Not only that, the method is done more precisely, so the chances of you having any discrepancies are extremely low, if not, impossible ( I bet it?s the previous ).
There are a few sorts of taxes that may apply to you as a self-employed person. Examples include self-employment, earnings, sales, and payroll taxes. Depending on how your company is set up you could need to remit one or all the taxes above. It is critical that you understand the filing wants from a federal, state, and local level. Get a tax calendar to trace the schedule for filing forms and sending in payments. Failure to do so can cause big tax penalties which means fewer tax savings for you.Income tax withholding?s aren?t taken out of payments that you receive as a contractor. But just because no tax is withheld does not mean that the government isn?t trying to find you to send them in. The top concern for most self employed staff are how much to pay in guessed taxes and when to send them in. To determine the quantity of taxes due you?ll need to compute your gross revenue. An income tax calculator and tax calendar are resources that help you guesstimate amounts and make timely payments. Additionally, if state and local taxes apply, you?re going to need to remit payments to them as well.
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Locate a tax filing site to assist you in filing your return online. There are many of these to choose from, and the best among them provide a trial of their services at no charge. It is recommended that you go with a corporation that offers this free trial so that you can decide if the site meets your needs and has proper documentation and online help available. It?s not enough to simply ?take their word for it,? but instead, you want to literally use the online service for yourself a you are ok with it.
Last, but not least, you must hire an accountant to control the books of your small enterprise and to give you valuable tax guidance. The fees that you pay your Mississauga Accountant ( or other accountant ) will be more than offset, by the tax savings identified by your Accountant.
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CEO Brian Farrell tells analysts that a $40 racing game driven by downloadable content add-ons wasn?t a great approach in current console market.
In May, THQ tried something new with the latest installment in the MX vs. ATV franchise, MX vs. ATV Alive. The publisher launched the game on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with a budget $40 price tag and a plan to make the title profitable with a year?s worth of post-release downloadable content.
In a post-earnings conference call today, THQ CEO Brian Farrell told investors the experiment was a noble one, but ultimately not a fruitful one. Farrell noted that the price point of the game did accelerate sales, but not sufficiently enough to increase the user base to an acceptable level.
?The key learning is that it was not a successful experiment,? Farrell said, adding, ?Our takeaway there is it?s not a great model in the console market because with the high fixed cost of goods in the current console model, you can?t get the price low enough to drive that installed base out there to drive the DLC.?
For more on MX vs. ATV Alive, check out GameSpot?s review.
Read and Post Comments | Get the full article at GameSpot
Source: GameSpot?s PlayStation 3 News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
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WASHINGTON ? Crisis concerns rising, House Republican leaders shrugged off a White House veto threat and an outbreak of tensions within their own party Wednesday as they built support for legislation to stave off the government default threatened for next week. Worried Wall Street sent stocks plunging on fears that political gridlock would prevail.
"I can't do this job unless you're behind me," House Speaker John Boehner bluntly told his fractious rank and file in the run-up to a scheduled Thursday vote on the bill, which was hastily rewritten to show deeper spending cuts than 24 hours earlier.
With Boehner facing a major test of his leadership, the While House disparaged the measure he was working so hard to pass. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada called it "a big wet kiss for the right wing," and all 51 Senate Democrats and two independents pledged to scuttle it if it cleared the House.
The White House has threatened a veto, saying the bill does not meet President Barack Obama's demand for an increase in the debt limit large enough to prevent a rerun of the current crisis next year, in the heat of the 2012 election campaign.
Instead, Obama supports an alternative drafted by Reid that also cuts spending, yet provides enough additional borrowing authority to tide the government over through next year.
For all the bluster, there were hints that a compromise might be near.
"Magic things can happen here in Congress in a very short period of time under the right circumstances," said Reid, the Senate majority leader.
Without legislation in place by Aug. 2, administration officials say the Treasury will not be able to pay all the nation's bills, possibly triggering a default that could prove catastrophic for an economy still recovering from the worst recession in decades.
Two days after Obama and Boehner made unprecedented back-to-back speeches on national television, there was evidence that the debt crisis was becoming a national cause of concern.
Shawn Bonner of Boerne, Texas, said, "I don't think the people who are making the decisions live in the same environment we do." She said of the two sides: "They've both dug in their heels for political statements, and we need them to make decisions to help the country." She was in Tennessee, touring the State Capitol.
The U.S. financial markets posted big losses for the day as political leaders maneuvered. The Dow Jones industrial average fell nearly 200 points and appeared headed for its worst week in nearly a year.
"Confidence in our political system is beginning to fade." said Channing Smith, managing director of Capital Advisors Inc. "As hours pass and the uncertainty builds, I think the market is starting to price in the potential that we might not have a solution by Aug. 2."
In Washington, across from the Capitol, a few dozen tea party activists rallied ? and appeared as divided as the conservatives in the House. Some issued an online call for Boehner to resign as speaker, while others said he deserved time to try and strike the best deal possible.
The Republican legislation underwent revisions to increase its prospects of passage.
That meant changes that brought projected savings for 2012 to $22 billion, part of a 10-year cut of $917 billion in all that would trigger a $900 billion increase in the debt limit. The bill also would establish a special committee of lawmakers to recommend additional cuts that would trigger additional borrowing authority if approved.
While the two parties' bills differed in key details, they also shared similarities that underscored the concessions made by both sides in recent days. Reid's bill does not envision a tax increase to reduce deficits, a bow to Republicans. But neither does the House measure require both houses to approve a constitutional balanced budget amendment for state ratification, a step in the direction of Obama and the Democrats.
For Boehner, the House vote shaped up as a critical test of his ability to lead a majority that includes 87 first-term lawmakers, many of them elected with tea party support. Passage was also imperative to maximize the leadership's leverage with Obama and Reid in a fast-approaching endgame.
The speaker was direct in the meeting with rank-and-file GOP lawmakers on Wednesday. "Get your ass in line," he told them. "I can't do this job unless you're behind me."
If House conservatives torpedo the bill, any follow-up would probably require Democratic votes to pass. That, in turn, would mean smaller spending cuts than Republicans are seeking in exchange for raising the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit.
As Thursday's vote approached, some Republicans seemed to be swinging behind the legislation, however reluctantly.
"Rep. Bill Huizenga, a first-term lawmaker from Michigan, said he was undecided how to vote, but he added, "This is about as good as it's going to get. That's a pretty strong argument."
"Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama are going to be surprised tomorrow night," said Rep. Allen West, a Florida first-term Republican. "I'll bet my retirement check on it. I'm a conservative. I'm going to support this."
Republicans control 240 seats in the House, compared with 193 for the Democrats, and there was strong opposition from some conservatives.
"I don't know where the votes are today," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a leader of the Republican Study Committee, an organization of conservative Republican lawmakers who often have disagreed with the leadership. "I just know that I am against the bill."
But Jordan felt obliged to open a closed-door meeting of the GOP rank and file during the day by apologizing for the actions of two aides. Officials said one sent an email to outside organizations suggesting they lobby some RSC members who were wavering on the debt limit bill. A second aide recounted details of an earlier GOP closed-door meeting in an email he had sent.
As Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., read one of the emails aloud, there were scattered calls to "fire him," referring to the aide responsible. The officials who described the events did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to disclose details from a closed-door meeting.
Across the Capitol, Reid played a waiting game, scheduling no votes until Boehner could show he could prevail in the House.
The White House rejected one proposed way out of the crisis.
Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn suggested the president unilaterally raise the debt limit, citing a clause in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that says the validity of the nation's public debt "shall not be questioned."
Obama said several days ago he had consulted with White House lawyers on that point and they were unenthusiastic about the idea.
At the White House, Carney was dismissive of the suggestion. "There are no off-ramps. There is no way around this. There is no escape," he said."
Lawmakers generally have been assuming they would need to approve an additional $2.4 trillion in borrowing authority to make sure the Treasury could handle the nation's finances beyond the 2012 elections.
Yet a $2.2 trillion increase would suffice, based on assumptions in a letter that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent to Congress in April. He wrote that the country's borrowing was increasing by an average of $125 billion a month. Additionally, the government must repay the $237 billion cost of the extraordinary measures it has been taking since May 16 to avoid breeching the $14.3 trillion debt limit.
Associated Press writers Alan Fram, Jim Abrams, Laurie Kellman, Stephen Ohlemacher, Donna Cassata, Nancy Benac, Ben Feller, Jim Kuhnhenn and Erica Werner contributed to this report.
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NEW YORK (Reuters) ? InterDigital Inc has filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission against Nokia Corp, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp accusing the cellphone makers of infringing seven InterDigital technology patents.
The wireless technology patent holder, which is considering selling itself, said on Tuesday it has asked the ITC to bar these companies from U.S. sales of any infringing products, including phones or tablet computers.
InterDigital shares were about 3 percent higher after the news. It said it also filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.
Wireless technology patents -- a long-time source of legal battles -- have garnered renewed interest since bankrupt Nortel Networks Corp sold its patent portfolio for $4.5 billion earlier this month.
Since then, InterDigital said it was looking into a possible sale, causing its shares to soar 76 percent after speculation Google Inc could buy the InterDigital patents. [ID:nL3E7IJ2AD] Activist investor Carl Icahn urged Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc to also look at alternatives such as splitting off its patents portfolio from the rest of the company.
Huawei spokesman Bill Plummer said his company has not seen the InterDigital complaint, but was confident of the integrity of Huawei's licensing and cross licensing practices and would defend itself "vigorously."
"Licensing and cross licensing of intellectual property rights are the normal course of business in our industry. Given other recent news reports related to InterDigital it is unclear what other motives may be at play here," Plummer said.
Nokia spokesman Mark Durrant said the company was aware of the lawsuit and would "take whatever steps needed to protect its rights." A ZTE representative declined immediate comment.
InterDigital said the ITC must decide whether to start a formal investigation within 30 days of the complaint filing, according to the company.
InterDigital shares were up $1.93, or 2.7 percent, at $73.33 in afternoon trading on Nasdaq.
(Reporting by Sinead Carew; editing by Gerald E. McCormick and Andre Grenon)
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Kelso Babe Ruth: a board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday(July 19) in the Stan Rister Stadium clubhouse. For details, callTammy Free, (360) 431-0166.
YMCA Basketball School: For players entering grades 1-5 and 6-9,they can join YMCA Executive Director Roosevelt Smith Jr. anddevelop fundamental skills in shooting, agility, footwork,dribbling, passing screens, and free throws. Campers will also play3-on-3, 1-on-1, 2-on-2, and work on the pick and roll. Emphasis isplaced on teamwork and individual skills. the camp will be heldduring July 25-28. Campers entering grades 1-5 will meet from 9 to11:50 a.m., followed by players entering grades 6-9 from 12:15 to 3p.m. Cost is $42 for YMCA members or $55 for non-members, and eachcamper receives a t-shirt and their own basketball. For details,call 423-4770.
Smart Start Basketball Camps: For ages 6-9, the camp preparesyouth for organized sports and teaches skills instruction,teamwork, sportsmanship and importance of having fun. Classes areoffered from 1 to 3 p.m. July 25-29 at Kessler Elementary School.Cost is $31 for Longview residents or $36 for non-residents. Fordetails, call 442-5400 or register online at
Ninth annual Hot Shots 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament: the eventwill be held Aug. 27-28 in downtown Yakima. Cost is $100 for youthteams, or $110 for high school and adult teams. Registrationdeadline is Aug. 13. For details, call (509) 575-6020 or
Pee Wee Bumper Bowling: Introduces children ages 3-7 to bowlingwithout throwing gutter balls. Classes will be held from 11 a.m.until noon during July 25-28 at Triangle Bowl. Classes are taughtby Longview-Kelso Bowling and Washington State Bowling ProprietorsAssociation Hall of Fame member Norm Strehle. Cost is $28 forLongview residents or $33 for non-residents. For details, call442-5400 or register online at
Beginning Bowling: Children ages 8-12 learn proper bowlingskills. Classes will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. during July 25-28at Triangle Bowl. Classes are taught by Longview-Kelso Bowling Hallof Fame member Norm Strehle. Cost is $31 for Longview residents or$36 for non-residents. For details, call 442-5400 or registeronline at
Football Camp Northwest: a youth football camp for playersentering kindergarten through eighth grades will be held from 4 to7:30 p.m. during July 30-31 on Schroeder Field at Kelso HighSchool. Camp clinicians will be coaches from the Kelso, R.a. Long,Mark Morris and Kalama football programs. Cost is $45. For details,call Jon Webb, (360) 261-9400, or .
Kelso Youth: Player registration will be held from 10 to 2 p.m.on Aug. 6, 13, 20 and 27, and 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 24, all in front ofBig 5 Sports in the three Rivers Mall. Cost is $50. For details,call Scott Radcliffe, 957-4402.
35th annual Columbia Ford Longview Amateur Golf Championship:the event will be held Saturday and Sunday at Mint Valley. Thetournament with gross and net divisions is open to all golfers withan established handicap. the tournament will also feature a newsenior (50-and-older) division. Entries are available at all areagolf courses and at For details, call 442-5442.
64th annual Ladies lower Columbia Tournament: the stroke-playcompetition event will be held Aug. 10-12 at the Longview CountryClub. Field is limited to 128 entries, and maximum handicap of USGAIndex 34.6 by Aug. 1. Cost is $170 and includes a power cart. Entrydeadline is July 31, and cancellation deadline with refund is Aug.2. Entry forms are available at For details, call DaleBartolome, (360) 355-7024, or email .
Mother and Son Outdoor Adventure: the ninth annual event wheremothers and sons of all ages experience a variety of outdooradventure activities together will be held from 11 to 2:30 p.m.July 30 at Martin?s Dock at Lake Sacajawea. Activities will includethe rock wall, archery, obstacle course, catapult, fishing,kayaking, pellet shooting range, photo booth, canoeing and woodworking. each son will receive a gift, and refreshments will beserved. Cost is $8 per participant, and individuals registered mustbring receipt to the event. For details, call 442-5400 or registeronline at
Outdoor Teen Wilderness Survival: For ages 11-18, the classteaches all the necessary components to survive in the wilderness.the course will be taught at Wake Robin on Coal Creek rd. west ofLongview which is 82 acres of undeveloped forest full of trails andwildlife. Classes are from 1 to 4 p.m. during Aug. 9-12. Cost is$35 for Longview residents or $40 for non-residents. For details,call 442-5400 or register online at
Lower Columbia Kayak Roundup: the annual event near Puget Islandwill be held in September. the event includes classes on immersion,essential steering strokes, paddle making, rolling, wind and waves,kayak foundations, sea paddler training, gnarly water training,surf, coaching, leadership and kayak sailing. Pre-registration isrequired, and registration deadline is Sept 1. For details,, or email Ginny Callahan .
Mount St. Helens Hiking Club: the group holds several hikes eachmonth. For more information, call the hike leader listed or Please notify hike leader inadvance of your first hike, and for departure time andlocation.
Degrees of difficulty are ?E? which is easier, shorter distanceswith relatively flat ground; ?M? is moderate distance with moreelevation gain; ?S? is strenous long distances with significantelevation gains.
Lewis and Clark Bowmen: the club is a local group of archers andbow hunters who provide local support to the sport of archery. Foradditional details or to join, call Mike, 636-3027, or
Lower Columbia Flyfishers: Visit or contact JerrySchroeder, 864-6960.
Clatskanie Rifle and Pistol Club: For details about events,visit or call rangemaster GreggSmith, (360) 606-3478.
Southwest Washington Canoe Club: the club has disbanded, butindividuals are still organizing group events. New leaders desiringto revive the club can call Jim, 425-5123, Gordon, 425-3641, orMargaret, 423-4760.
Mountain Mania Run/Walk: the 5- and 10-kilometer events will beheld at 8:30 a.m. Saturday beginning at Lion?s Pride Park, locatedat 1500 Huntington Ave. South in Castle Rock. Cost is $15 ifregistered by 11:59 tonight, or $20 on race day. All race proceedsbenefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. For details,visit
The Arc in Motion: the Arc of Southwest Washington is hosting5-kilometer, 10k, and half-mile kids runs from 8 to 1 p.m. July 30at the Arc Family Center, 6511 East 18th St. in Vancouver. Theevent is a fundraiser for the Arc of Southwest Washington. Fordetails, call Sally Bartlett, 425-5494, or register online
12th annual Race for the Homeless: the 5- and 10-kilometer runs,5k walk and kids fun run to raise money and awareness for theunderserved of Vancouver will be held beginning at 8 a.m. Aug. 6 atthe O.O. Howard House on Fort Vancouver way in Vancouver. Cost ofthe 5k and 10k runs and 5k walk is $15 if registered by July 25, or$20 on the day of the race. the kids fun run and fun festival arefree. All pre-registered finishers will receive a Race for theHomeless shirt along with lots of free stuff, food and information.For details, visit
Take Strides for Education: the 5-kilometer run/walk to benefitthe Ann Trout Blinks Memorial Scholarship Fund will be held at 8:30a.m. Aug. 6 on Dieckman Road in Adna. Cost is $20 for adults andincludes a commemorative t-shirt, or $25 the day of the event. Kidsages 12-younger are free if accompanied by an adult and canpurchase a t-shirt for $10. High school athletes may register raceday for $10 not including a t-shirt. Entry forms are available onFacebook at Take Strides for Educatiom, or by email .
Run Girl run: the half-marathon and 5-kilometer races will beheld at 8 a.m. Aug. 21 beginning at the Sleep Country Amphitheateradjacent to the Clark County Fairgrounds in Hazel Dell. The13.1-mile course will pass through Ridgefield and Vancouver.Registration for the half-marathon is $60 through July 31 or $70after, or $30 for the 5-kilometer run through July 31 or $35 after.There will be no race day registration. For details, visit
Goalkeeper needed: the Timber Barons U14 girls soccer teamsneeds a goalie for the fall season. the prospective player musthave been born between Aug. 1997 and July 1998. the team willprovide training. For details, call Chris Crosby, (360) 951-3421 oremail .
Start Smart Soccer Camp: For ages 6-9, the camp prepares youthfor organized sports and teaches skills instruction, teamwork,sportsmanship and importance of having fun. Classes are from 1 to 3p.m. during Aug. 1-5 at Kessler Elementary School. Cost is $31 forLongview residents or $36 for non-residents. For details, call442-5400 or register online at
Cowlitz Kickoff Classic: the 10th annual youth soccer tournamentwill be held Aug. 5-7 at Seventh Avenue Park. the event is open toboys and girls rec and select teams ages U11-U19. Local CYSA teamsare eligible for a $100 discount off the regular fee of $395 ifregistered by Friday. Register online at or For details, emailtournament director Tom Hutchinson at .
Softball, Youth
Cowlitz Heat ?00 Fastpitch: the U-12 tournament team is lookingfor players for the fall/spring seasons. Tryouts will be held July21 and 24. For details, call Garrett Ashby, 749-9762, or PamNaugle, 751-2445 for locations and times.
Krush Fastpitch 10-U: Tryouts will be held from 5 to 6:15 p.m.July 25 and 27 on Miller Field in Kelso. For details, call MarcyGilchrist, (360) 261-2261, Jill (Stockdale) Bottemiller, (360)560-5821 or email .
Krush Fastpitch 12-U: Tryouts will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m.Wednesday, and July 25 and 27 on Miller Field in Kelso. Fordetails, call Jill (Stockdale) Bottemiller, (360) 560-5821, JohnRagan, (360) 560-0383 or email .
14-U ?B? team needs players: Tryouts will be held at 5:30 p.m.July 27, and 10 a.m. July 30, all on the Rainier fields. Fordetails, call (360) 430-4173.
Washington Illusion: a group tryout for 14-U, 12-U and 10-Ufastpitch teams will be held at 10:30 a.m. July 30 at Tam O?ShanterPark. For details, call Lou Mendez (14-U), 957-4759, Mark Fisher(12-U) 560-3069, Ed Schammel (10-U) 560-1170.
Illusion 14-U tryouts: Tryouts will be held at 3 p.m. July 30and 6 p.m. Aug. 3 at Tam O?Shanter Park. the team is looking forpitchers, a catcher and outfielders. For details, call BillZbaeren, (360) 560-6956, or Rick Nevers, (360) 431-8172 or274-7202.
Pitching clinics: a series of pitching clinics to help preparepitchers who will pitch during fall leagues or next year in springleagues will be held under the direction of Dan Settlemier atCoweeman Middle School. Clinics will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m.on Wednesday and Thursday. Cost is $25, and pre-registration isrecommended. All pitchers must bring their own catcher, and aliability waiver must be completed before participation. Fordetails, call 270-9454 or email .
Softball, Adult
Northwest Men?s Fastpitch Reunion: the Northwest RegionOldtimers Fastpitch Reunion will be held from 10 to 5 p.m. Aug. 27at Skyhawks Park (formerly Bucknell Park) in Lacey. Players fromthe 1950s through 1980s are invited, and overnight camping isavailable. a barbecue dinner is available for $10, or $5 forchildren ages 16-and-younger. Attendees are asked to RSVP by Aug.13 to Bernie Keller, (360) 459-8735, or by email or call Terry Meyer, (360) 943-1735, or .
Adult Slowpitch: For details, call 442-5435 or visit or
Killer Whales Swim Club: Tryouts for youth ages 6-18 are held inDick Mealy Memorial Pool at Mark Morris daily at 5:30 p.m. Fordetails, call (360) 423-8235, email or
Briarcliff pool: Admission fees for the pool located at RainierHigh School are $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children and seniors,or $12 for a family. Multi-visit passes are available. Pool rentalis available for up to 40 swimmers for $40 an hour. For additionaldetails, call (503) 556-4217 or visit
Gaither Pool: For a list of all activities including lifeguardtraining, exercise classes, lap swimming, recreational swims,family swims and pool rentals, download the summer swin schedule or call 501-1855.
Southwest Washington YMCA: For details about swim programs, call423-4770.
Teen tennis lessons: For ages 13-18, sessions will be held from10:15 to 11:30 a.m. during July 25-28, Aug. 1-4, Aug. 8-11 and Aug.15-18 at the Mint Valley Racquet Center. Cost is $38 per sessionfor Longview residents, or $43 for non-residents. For details, call442-5400, or register online at
Youth tennis lessons: For ages 7-12, sessions will be held from9 to 10:15 a.m. during July 25-28, Aug. 1-4, Aug. 8-11 and Aug.15-18 at the Mint Valley Racquet Center. Cost is $38 per sessionfor Longview residents, or $43 for non-residents. For details, call442-5400, or register online at
Beginning Horsemanship: For ages 7-14, the classes sharpenEnglish riding skills along with fun of horse games and exercise.Safety rules, grooming and tacking is also discussed. Classes willbe held in an arena either outdoors or indoors depending onweather. Classes will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. during July 26-28at Longacre Stables, 2290 Dike Road. Cost is $46 for Longviewresidents or $51 for non-residents. For details, call 442-5400 orregister online at
Thunder Mountain Pro Rodeo: the Professional Rodeo CowboysAssociation-sanctioned event will be held July 29-30 in the rodeoarena at the Cowlitz County Exposition Center. Performances will beheld at 7 p.m. July 29, and 1 and 7 p.m. July 30. Tickets areavailable at the fair office, 1900 7th Ave., or by calling577-3121.
66th annual Long Beach Rodeo: the event will be held July 30-31at the rodeo grounds, located on 6407 Sandridge Road in Long Beach.Rodeo performances will be held at 1 p.m. each day, and more than$13,000 in prize money will be awarded. Tickets are $10 for adults,$9 for seniors and $5 for children ages 6-12. Presale tickets areavailable with a 50-cent discount from Long Beach Pharmacy. Fordetails, call Nancy Campiche, (360) 783-2050 or .
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CALGARY, Canada (AFP) ? Aboriginals fearing a spill are threatening to try again to block Canada's first pipeline connecting the rich oil fields of Alberta to the Pacific Coast aiming to reach new markets in Asia.
Pipeline giant Enbridge has hinted in recent months it would soon receive a nod from the federal government to finally start construction of its Northern Gateway project, which has been postponed several times in the past decade due to financial setbacks and environmental concerns of regulators.
The project would see up to 525,000 barrels of crude oil from Alberta's oil sands piped 1,125 kilometers (700 miles) daily through the Rocky Mountains to an ocean terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia.
Coastal residents fear an eventual spill will devastate the pristine maritime environment of British Columbia's north coast, its temperate rain forests and abundance of marine life, and despite Enbridge's environmental safety assurances are vowing to fight it.
Canada has the third largest oil reserves in the world, much of it in the black, gooey sands of northern Alberta's Athabasca region.
Its main energy customers are in the central and eastern United States at present, where older pipelines connect.
Enbridge estimates that by opening up new markets overseas and along the US Pacific Coast the new pipeline could rake in an additional CAN$28 billion (US$28.4 billion) for Alberta oil producers in its first decade of operation.
But for those that lie in its path, that's not incentive enough.
The project will cut a line straight through several aboriginal communities, which fear someday that black oil could gush into coastal waters and sensitive forests, affecting humpback whales, orca pods, and rare white-haired Kermode grizzly bears.
"There is nothing that they can offer that will replace the culture we already have and this tanker traffic jeopardizes our culture," said Art Sterritt, chief of the Coastal First Nations.
"There is no amount of money that could compensate us for losing our heritage and our culture."
Enbridge has offered cash to the communities, but was rebuffed.
Millions of dollars from coastal salmon, halibut and cod fisheries and fish farms and eco-tourism -- including bear watching in Great Bear Rainforest and whale watching tours -- are also at risk from oil shipping, the pipeline's detractors said.
Enbridge, which declined to comment for this story, also pledged to bolster safety measures, following spills last year in the United States.
These include double-hulled tankers, local guides to help ships navigate the coastal waters and emergency spill response stations.
"The only way that Coastal First Nations would ever reconsider this project is if Enbridge could assure Coastal First Nations there would never be a tanker accident," Sterritt said.
But even with the most advanced safety systems in place, no oil company can guarantee this, he added.
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You have to consider many points when converting your home into workplace. Firstly, is the place good enough for working for long hours? Are people going to visit your home office? If people are going to visit your place then you can convert your room into your home office. Select a place which has minimal of disturbance. After you have selected the right place for your home office, follow these ideas to decorate your office.
Selecting the Interior Paint Colors:
Choosing the color of interior paint is the first thing you want to consider when planning to decorate your home office. Picking up soft and somber colors is always a good choice because they don?t catch much attention and are also very pleasing to the eyes.? Light blue shades, beige, white, off-whites, etc. can be great choice. If you like to have more colors then you can also use color combination of two colors such as white with green or white with off-white. You can also go for aqua blue with off white shades but don?t use vibrant colors such as red or oranges. If you like to have an artistic touch then you can design different designs on your home office wall.
Setting up the Furniture & Fixtures:
You have many choices when it comes to selecting furniture for your modern day home office. You can buy customized furniture that can fit in the existing space for your home office. Internet is the best place where you can find different types of furniture. You can always view the online catalogs on furniture that can help you in selecting the designs and style of furniture for you home office. There are many big online retailers where you can find wide variety of home office decorating articles. You can also save lot of money by taking advantage of coupons such as Overstock Promo Code. Online catalogue are also helpful in selecting size, color and price. Chairs and tables are must if people are going to visit your home office, also consider placing couple of couch or chairs in front of desk. Make sure you have a cabinet for storing material. Light fixtures are another important thing you need to have such as ceiling lights, table lamp, etc. excessive sunlight is not acceptable in the office so use blinders on the windows to lessen the affects of sunlight.
Decoration Items:
You have numerous choices to decorate your home office but the important thing is not to use too many items, because it can make your office space clutter. Paints colors and lighting fixtures have already done more than half of the decorations, so by adding office supplies such as files, lamps, folders, dust bins, etc. can complete you home office decorations. Ensure that you pick up the ones which have attractive design and also compliment other decorating elements of the office. Other stuffs such as a wall clock, houseplant, few abstract painting, a flower vase, etc. can also be used to further decorate the home office. At you can save lot of money by using Promo Codes of many famous online stores. These money saving promo codes help you a great deals in completing shopping on a budget.
This entry was posted in Lighting and tagged Decorating, Home, Ideas, Office. Bookmark the permalink.Source:
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Are you spending too much time and money on golf lessons to perfect your game? Have you reached that ?glass ceiling? that becomes impossible to break through? Do you need to gain the ?self confidence? to improve your swing or make that long putt? Self Hypnosis can help you to master all of this by training your mind for those crucial moments on the golf course. After all, Tiger Woods is well known to have used hypnosis to help him become the master golfer he is today. It is suggested that he started using this technique from around 13 years of age. In Tiger Woods preparation, he imagines himself producing that perfect swing and playing the perfect shot, then does exactly that. He will rarely hit bunkers or obstacles out on the fairway because in his mind creates a mental images, so to him, they are just not there to hit.
With Self Hypnosis you could be sitting in your office or relaxing at home and still improving your game. Using a self hypnosis CD, you can teach yourself how to subconsciously relax, focus and see the whole stroke in your mind, before taking each shot. It will also give you the confidence to take on the more challenging courses, difficult strokes and putts, while teaching you not to be intimidated by your surroundings or playing partners.
Products like training CD?s and teaching Guides from ex professional golfers will teach you their techniques on how to improving your technical game. So will private lessons from your club pro be very useful to learn the techniques you?ll need to play better golf. However, these products and guides cannot fully prepare your mind and give you the correct mental approach when you are about to play that all important shot! Remember what the great Bobby Jones said: ?Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course?the space between your ears.? Golf is a mind game! How many times have you seen professional sports men and woman interviewed, saying that they were ?In The Zone? that their mental approach to their sport was in total focus.
By helping you with your ?Mind Game? you will be able to concentrate, relax and focus giving you the all round self confidence. You will have the mind power that is need to complement all of the other skills you have already mastered. Self Hypnosis is the answer to be playing a better game of golf, by using the power of your own mind. By having a hypno CD you can take the opportunity whenever time or circumstances allows and you will become all round a better golfer. By using a professional hypnotist to guide you to this higher state of mind, all risks are removed, not only is your wellbeing in safe hands, but your golf is too. By controlling your physical body and so by programming your subconscious mind, you thinking is in a more positive state, your game improves. Your playing partners will soon be begging to know the secret of your new found success, not wanting to be left behind.
About the Author
Bob Humphrys is the founder and owner of Hypnosis Mind Power who specialises in hypnosis cds. These hypno cd products provide mind power solutions to people wanting to solve many of life?s problems through the use of self hypnosis solutions.
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Cuts have been made to support for families needing respite care in parts of Wales, figures obtained by the BBC have shown.
Statistics gained under the Freedom of Information Act show nine councils have reduced how much they plan to spend.
It has led to concern that vulnerable groups are denied support some carers call "light at the end of the tunnel".
The Welsh Government said it was up to councils to ensure they had necessary respite placements.
According to figures provided by 21 of the 22 local authorities to BBC Wales, cuts have been made to defined respite budgets in Blaenau Gwent, Ceredigion, Neath Port Talbot, Newport, Swansea and Torfaen.
In Carmarthenshire, Conwy and Monmouthshire, the overall residential care budget, which includes provision for respite, has been cut.
In several other counties the budget for respite in 2011-12 was up on last year, but in some cases represented a cut on previous years.
Chris Maggs Director of social services at Swansea council“We're faced with some incredible challenges as local authorities, and we obviously need to look at how we use all of our resources”
No figures were provided by Anglesey council.
The figures show Swansea Council has cut its internal provision respite budget for older people and younger adults by over 80% in the last two years.
In 2009-10 it spent over £680,000, but this year the budget is less that £108,000.
Director of social services Chris Maggs admits the council is operating in a tough financial climate, but insists the changes will improve choice.
"We're faced with some incredible challenges as local authorities, and we obviously need to look at how we use all of our resources." said Mr Maggs.
The council has decided to transfer money from respite care into its own residential homes, who will provide short breaks in the future.
"What we're doing is re-using our money," he said.
"Whilst it is true that we're reducing the total amount of money, we're also improving the range of services we have by using our existing services in a different way, so it maximises what we've actually got."
But the potential changes have angered some families who depend on respite care.
Suzanne Hayes, from Rhossili, near Swansea, is a carer for her 27-year-old stepson John, who has cerebral palsy.
She described the six weeks of respite allocation they are given every year as "light at the end of a tunnel", but she feels strongly that the family need more support.
"John needs to have breaks because he can mix with different people," she said.
Roz Williamson Carers Wales“For individual families if a respite service which they've relied on gets cut, that's a real problem”
"We live in a beautiful area, but it is very isolating for John."
The short respite breaks also give the family time to recover while John is away.
"It's not the big things, it's going for a coffee. It's having your own knife and fork in your hands, because we have to feed John."
According to the charity Carers Wales, respite provision is already in short supply, but the cuts being made by local authorities will limit support even further.
"For individual families if a respite service which they've relied on gets cut, that's a real problem," said director Roz Williamson.
"But for most families, the problem is that they can't get access to anything - so the qualification for getting any help from a local authority keeps going up and up and up - so most families get nothing."
A consultation on the future of respite care in Wales has recently closed, following an independent review which said there was "a strong case for funding more outcome focussed respite services in Wales".
The Welsh Government said it recognised "the important role that respite care has in supporting individuals and families at what can be an extremely difficult time".
A spokesperson said: "We are protecting the social services budget through the local government settlement. Funding for social services will increase in cash terms by £35m by 2013-14.
"It is a matter for local authorities to ensure they have necessary respite placements."
This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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Starting in 2014, the ACA requires businesses with more than 50 employees to offer affordable health insurance or risk paying a penalty. Some nursing home operators have balked, arguing that offering all employees health insurance would require them to pass along price increases to their residents. In June, 24 nursing home resident advocacy groups sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services demanding denial of a waiver.
LeadingAge agrees, with President and CEO Larry Minnix saying ?we believe all people who care for the aging should receive livable compensation and benefits, most importantly, health insurance.? AHCA spokeswoman Beth Martino said her organization supports the mandate, but that some members face challenges because of a high Medicaid population. AHCA is looking for options to help those facilities "keep their doors open and continue serving those in long-term care,? she said.
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