Monday, December 5, 2011

[OOC] Goals of the Good, the Bad, the Confused.

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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The Return of Netharzeem?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Alright, so as the title suggests, this is mainly a thread to explain the goals of both parties in this RP. While they will be similar, it will again be left to the players (which will include myself) to improve the plot and create conflict (both within and without).

Now, Ethre'Drax "Drax" Hrumilliuos will be the guide for the anti-heroes in this RP. He will be working as a servant and provide some useful information concerning how they can free Netharzeem.

Simlarly, Jozan von Carstein (to be made) will be in charge of getting together the good heroes and try to stop the Netharzeem worshippers.
Jozan will be an agent of The Lunian Temple, and thus he will have quite the resources to use (depending on how many more good heroes we'll have). He'll be a member of a holy order that seeks to prevent Netharzeem from ever escaping his prison.

[Evil Heroes]
Now, to make it clear about how to open the portal, you'll need the following three items, and since Irish Wolf will be playing an evil wizard, it

1) The other half of the Ancient Summoning Spell from the Mages Library, located somewhere amongst their many thousands of books, in the Mage Capital Aunriel, within the border of the Aunriel.
[Reason:] Well, how else will you be able to open the portal? Ask "pretty please?"

2) The Staff of Power, wielded by the fifth cardinal of the Lunian Temple (Duke Nicholas Usaless). Unlike his peers, he talks directly to the Lunian worshippers, as close as standing before them. He is found in the metropolis city of St. Henderick, within the borders of the Lunian Empire
[Reason:] It will allow the person to boost their magical ability, thus making it easier to open the portal.

3) The Amulet of Protection. While this isn't found, it has to be made. The heroes will have to travel to the Dwarven kingdom of Dungar, through the tunnels and convince (one way or the other) the dwarves to smith this amulet and enchant it with their protective runes.
[Reason:]Opening a portal is much like switching between the channels of your average TV, you don't know exactly where the world/dimension/plane is, and it is most likely that some horrors will escape in the process. Better be safe than sorry.

[Good Heroes]
While I am aiming for an epic battle before the portal, I won't neglect the possibility that it could go the other way around.
Their aim is mainly to destroy, or prevent the anti-heroes from achieving their goals.

1) The other half of the Ancient Summoning Spell has to dispelled.
[Reason:] As the paper contains powerful enchantments which (if ripped over like normal paper) will cause the energies to be released. So, in conclusion, if you rip it in twos, it will say BOOM!

2) Have it relocated to the dungeon of Havenport.
[Reason:] while the staff is (officially) safe in the hands of Duke Nicholas Usaless, rather ensure that it is far away from the reach of anyone who'd abuse the staff's powers.

3) Simply prevent the amulet from being created. Ever.
[Reason:] It is all for the greater good of the world.

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